Curriculum feedback form
The University’s curriculum feedback form for inclusive and anti-colonial practice is a university-wide feedback mechanism open to all students, including postgraduate students who teach, to provide feedback about inclusive and anti-colonial practice and content (or lack thereof) in the curriculum.
Students are welcome to engage with the form to:
- provide positive examples of inclusive practices and/or anti-colonial content (including decolonisation) that they have encountered in their courses,
- highlight good practice that they would like to see continue or expanded,
- speak to areas of teaching or the curriculum that they feel warrant further reform, or
- provide new ideas for what they would like to see included going forward.
Please note that the inclusive and anti-colonial curriculum feedback form is not intended to capture instances of bullying, harassment or discrimination, even if they occur during formal teaching. The University urges members of our community to use the Report & Support tool for reporting and has a zero- tolerance approach to such behaviour.
How to use the feedback form
Students can complete the short feedback form anonymously (i.e., without leaving their name), or they can provide their name and email address, if they would like to receive a response or update about their submitted comments (initial contact will be made within 3 weeks of submitting the feedback).
Feedback must be submitted via the online form, using the link below. This Word document lists the questions that are asked on the inclusive curriculum feedback form to helps you prepare your responses, which should then be submitted using the online form:
Students should not feel obliged to answer all sections of the form. Engaging with the form is voluntary, and students are therefore welcome to complete as many, or as few, sections as they deem relevant. The University also encourages students to provide feedback via standard mechanisms, including Module Evaluation Questionnaires (MEQ’s) and Staff-Student Consultative Committees, and via representatives within the Students’ Association.
What is ‘inclusive and anti-colonial practice’?
To learn more about inclusive curricula and related terminology, take a look through the other resources on this website, including the material on Assessment and feedback, Inclusive design and delivery and Inclusive content and curricula. The online form encourages students to give feedback on whatever aspect of teaching they would like to focus on. A broad range of topics relate to inclusivity, including the accessibility of resources, range of assessment types, content of curricula (e.g., diversity of sources used, whether historical biases/barriers were addressed), accessibility of language and terminology, etc.
What happens to the information submitted via the form?
The data management process flowchart below details the life-cycle of submitting information, all those who will have visibility of the submitted forms and the timelines for each outcome.
This inclusive and anti-colonial curriculum feedback form was initiated by the BAME Subcommittee of the Students’ Association and was developed in collaboration with the University’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Team and Deans’ Office.